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The regional dimension of the European Union
towards a third level in Europe?
Bullmann, U.: The politics of the third level. - S.3-19. Marks, G.: An actor-centred approach to multilevel governance. - S.20-38. Kerremans, B. ; Beyers, J.: The Belgian sub-national entities in the European Union: Second of third level players? - S.41-55. Jefferey, C.: Farewell the third level? The German Länder and the European policy process. - S.56-75. Morass, M.: Austria: the case of a federal newcomer in European Union politics. - S.76-95. Desideri, C. ; Santantonio, V.: Building a third level in Europe: prospects and difficulties in Italy. - S.96-116. Smith, A.: The French case: The exception or the rule? - S.117-130. John, P.: Europeanization in a centralizing state: multi-level governance in the UK. - S.131-144. Loughlin, J.: Representing regions in Europe: the Committee of the Regions. - S.147-165. Weyand, S.: Inter-regional associations and the European integration process. - S.166-182. Jeffery, C.: Regional information offices in Brussels and multi-level governance in the EU: a UK-Germa
Introductory perspectives : the politics of the third level
/ Udo Bullmann
Introductory perspectives : the politics of the third level
/ Udo Bullmann
Actor-centred approach to multilevel governance
/ Gary Marks
Belgian sub-national entities in the European Union : second or third level players?
/ Bart Kerremans and Jan Beyers
Farewell to the third level? : the German L(c)Þnder and the European policy process
/ Charlie Jeffery
Austria : the case of a federal newcomer in European Union politics
/ Michael Morass
Building a third level in Europe : prospects and difficulties in Italy
/ Carlo Desideri and Vincenzo Santantonio
French case : the exception or the rule?
/ Andy Smith
Europeanization in a centralizing state : multi-level governance in the UK
/ Peter John
Representing regions in Europe : the committee of the regions
/ John Loughlin
Inter-regional associations and the European integration process
/ Sabine Weyand
Regional information offices in Brussels and multi-level governance in the EU : a UK-German comparison ; Conclusions : sub-national authorities and "European domestic policy"
/ Charlie Jeffery..
Actor-centred approach to multilevel governance
/ Gary Marks
Belgian sub-national entities in the European Union : second or third level players?
/ Bart Kerremans and Jan Beyers
Farewell to the third level? : the German Länder and the European policy process
/ Charlie Jeffery
Austria : the case of a federal newcomer in European Union politics
/ Michael Morass
Building a third level in Europe : prospects and difficulties in Italy
/ Carlo Desideri and Vincenzo Santantonio
French case : the exception or the rule?
/ Andy Smith
Europeanization in a centralizing state : multi-level governance in the UK
/ Peter John
Representing regions in Europe : the committee of the regions
/ John Loughlin
Inter-regional associations and the European integration process
/ Sabine Weyand
Regional information offices in Brussels and multi-level governance in the EU : a UK-German comparison ;Conclusions : sub-national authorities and "European domestic policy"
/ Charlie Jeffery..