> Publishers' series
Determination of the world's humid tropical deforestation rates during the 1990's methodology and results of the TREES-II research programme European Commission, Joint Research Centre. [Prep. by Frédéric Achard ...]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 2002
Identification of deforestation hot spot areas in the humid tropics synthesis of the results of an expert consultation meeting organised at JRC, Ispra on the 24 - 25 November 1997 Space Applications Institute, Global Vegetation Monitoring Unit. Ed. by Achard F.
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the Euroean Commission, 1998
Study of forest non-forest interface typology of fragmentation of tropical forest catalogue; JRC contract no. 5396-93-07 ED ISP F European Commission, Joint Research Centre; ESA, European Space Agency. Coordination: André Husson
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1995