> Publishers' series
Development of a stowable tandem axle jeep C. W. Blair
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
A cost evaluation of three direct-seeding systems for Jack pine in Eastern Canada R. D. Reynolds
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Logyard residue reclamation in Central-interior British Columbia Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
An analysis of harvesting costa in mixedwood forest J. Favreau and G. Légère
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Evaluation of the Timberjack 745 single-grip head with multi-stem capability J.-F. Gingras
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Aspen logging debris management techniques Brian Bulley
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Factors affecting equipment productivity in commercial thinning Philippe Meek
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
The qeconomics of operating a satellite log storage yard Dick Webb
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Clearcuts, shelterwood cuts, and selection cuts in the Turkey lakes watershed P. S. Hamilton
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Sorting of multiple products with a cut-to-length system J.-F. Gingras and M. Soucy
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Log-length measurement errors with six single-grip harvester heads J. A. Plamondon
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Reduction of trail density in partial cut with a cut-to-length system S. M. Sambo
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Evaluation of radio remote control for cable skidder winches J.-M. Golsse
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1999
Comparative evaluation of brushsaw mounted scarifiers Denis Cormier
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
Vancouver Island mechanized thinning trials Brian Boswell
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
Using a chip storage bin to improve in-woods chipper efficiency and reduce chip van cycle times C. W. Blair
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
Modes of GPS positioning introduction and application in forestry M.-H. Darche and Isabelle Forgues
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
Trials of mechanized tree-length harvesting in Eastern Canada J. A. Plamondon
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
The suitability of environmentally compatible hydraulic fluids in Canadian forest operations I. Makkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
Trials of two harvesting systems for shelterwood cutting in softwood stands P. Meek and G. Légère
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
Processing pulp logs mixed with log-ends chip production and quality Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1998
The ecorail system for transporting chip vans by rail Y. Provencher
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Tools for ground-based and aerial seeding in Canada´s boreals forest Rick Reynolds
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Analysis of line tensions and backspar stresses in a skyline system a pilot study C. Kevin Lyons
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
A comparison of five site-preparation methods in Central Ontario D. Cormier and J. Paterson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Trials of a remote-control dual-drum winch in hardwood partial cutting P. S. Hamilton
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Mechanized selection cutting in hardwoods with a Timbco T-445 P. Meek
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Reducing log loss from tractor/pole trailers hauling butts-forward loads David V. Hart
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Purchasing a used skidder or forwarder for use in small-scale operations J.-M. Golsse
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Sorting for quality with a cut-to-length system J.-F. Gingras and A. Godin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Reclaiming lost payload extracting frozen chips from chip trailers Dick Webb
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Harvesting with residual blocks or leave strips an economic comparison J.-F. Gingras
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Development of FERIC´s self-releasing choker hook J. M. Ewart
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Fuel consumption estimates for typical coastal British Columbia forest operations S. M. Sambo
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1997
Harvesting coastal second-growth forests hand falling and skyline yarding Björn Andersson; Francois Warren
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Evaluation of an anti-lock braking system on an off-highway log-hauling truck Séamus P. S. Parker
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
A comparison of feller-bunchers and harvesters for harvesting blowdown timber J.-F. Gingras and A. Godin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Effectiveness of cut-to-length harvesting at protecting advance regeneration P. Meek and J. A. Plamondon
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Performance of seasonal and year-round hydraulic oils in forestry machines I. Makkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Shelterwood harvesting with a skyline system in a coastal second-growth forest I. Hedin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Increasing value and fibre recovery from coastal forests by manufacturing longer logs Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Treatment of roadside delimbing areas L. Desrochers
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
The cost of product sorting during harvesting J.-F. Gingras
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
Fibre recovery from log sortyard residues on coastal British Columbia P. D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1996
The Forester C.2000 mobile rock crusher Y. Provencher and P. Caouette
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Converting a forestry machine to use environmentally compatible hydraulic oils I. Makkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
The Nokka 400 processor R. H. Ewing
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Precommercial strip thinning with hydro-ax brush cutters in Nova Scotia M. Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Planting large seedlings preliminary studies in Quebec M. St-Amour
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Felling levers for felling trees in Eastern Canada P. S. Hamilton
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Maximizing the payload on chip vans J. Michaelsen and D. MacGregor
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Harvesting coastal second-growth forests two case studies Björn Andersson; Warren Jukes
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Commercial thinning a coastal second-growth forest with a Timberjack cut-to-length system J. A. Hunt
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Chain chockers for small-scale operations R. H. Ewing
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Log-transportation requirements in Western Canada,1992-2002 a survey Séamus P. S. Parker
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1995
Evaluation of an AFM 60 Lako feller-processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Shelterwood harvesting in coastal second-growth douglas-fir I. Hedin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Winter grapple yarding in the interior of British Columbia Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Banding western red cedar trees to reduce log breakage Greg P. Kockx
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Return-trail skidding pilot study Greg P. Kockx; Deborah L. De Long
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Coordinated motion control of a feller-buncher Marvin Clark
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Evaluation of an ultimate feller-processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Sorting aspen chips with a Simco/Ramic chip sorter Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Observations of the Peterson Pacific DDC 5000 log delimber-debarker-chipper Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1994
Techniques that protect understory in mixedwood stands summary of harvesting trials E. A. Sauder
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Influence of log damage on loss of lumber volume at the sawmill Darcy W. Moshenko
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Drawbar pull requirements for Bräcke patch scarifieres and the TTS-35 disc trencher D. Cormier
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Evaluation of skidder-mounted piling rakes for site preparation D. Cormier and M. Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Short-term evaluation of a Donaren 870 H silvicultural mounder working in Western Alberta J. A. Hunt
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Observations of two Skylead C40 cable yarders Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Forest road surveys with GPS C. Jalinier and J. Courteau
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Testing a central tire inflation system in Western Canadian log-hauling conditions A. H. Bradley
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Evaluation of a Denharco DH550 feller-processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Sawlog production within an in-woods chipping system J. Favreau and G. S. Franklin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
A comparison of three site preparation implements in New Brunswick S. W. J. Dominy
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
An evaluation of four methods for processing timber at the stump P. Meek
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Recovery of residues from delimbing and delimbing-debarking using tub grinders L. Desrochers
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1993
Geotextiles another road construction option Y. Provencher
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1992
Evaluation of the Silvana Selective/Ford Versatile cleaning machine M. St-Amour and M. Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1992
Evaluation of the Seppi brush cutter for slash and brush treatments D. Cormier and R. H. Ewing
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1992
Feasibility of developing a tridem axle tractor for log-hauling applications Eric Amlin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1992
Short- and long-term evaluation of the silva nova planting machine D. Cormier and M. Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1992
Measurement of the impact of driving technique on fuel consumption preliminary results J. Nader
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of an AFM 60 Lako log processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of a Steyr KP40 log processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of the Bartt MKIV direct seeder Stephen W. J. Dominy
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of the McNolty mobile windrow rock crusher D. M. Bennett
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
A literature synthesis on the effects of wood quality in the manufacture of pulp and paper R. Pulkki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Cable yarding in Eastern Canada 5 case studies J. Courteau and E. Heidersdorf
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of a Denis DP550 log processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of two small feller-bunchers K. A. Raymond and G. Chabot
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Foam fire-suppression system for mobile forestry equipment C. Todd Macey
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of a Lim-Mit LM 2200 log processor Dennis Araki
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Design and testing of an automated millyard wigh-scale Eric Phillips
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Distance between powered-disc trencher passes effects on productivity Alan Rasmussen; Marc A. von der Gönna
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Planter productivity in prepared and unprepared ground a case study Ernst I. Stjernberg
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Evaluation of a Denis D3000 telescopic log processor Darcy W. Moshenko
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Brightening of thermomechanical pulp produced from sound and stained aspen logs Dennis Araki; Chung-Li Lee
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Performance evaluation of powered-disk trenchers shift-level study Marc A. von der Gönna
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Comparative study of the impact of three skidding methods on advance rgeneration J.-F. Gingras
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Sour felling in Alberta longer-term study Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Stand conversion using the Munger and Denis-CIMAF brush cutters D. Cormier
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Grapple yarding in the interior of British Columbia Darcy W. Moshenko
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1991
Safety-link an emergency alarm system for tree fallers J. M. Ewart
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Evaluation of the Tapio 400 and 550R harvester heads Ismo Mokkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Short- and long-term evaluations of the Silva Wadell cone scarifier D. Cormier and M. Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Harvesting methods favouring the protection of advance regeneration Quebec experience J.-F. Gingras
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Contractor equipment maintenance problems and opportunities G. S. Franklin and W. A. Williams
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
A study of two winter crushing operations Michel St-Amour
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Trial of the eden bedding plow in Southern and Central Alberta Deborah L. De Long
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Chain flail delimber-debarkers in Eastern Canada a preliminary assessment K. A. Raymond and G. S. Franklin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Development of a hydraulic air conditioner for forest machinery Jean Courteau
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Performance of circular saw felling heads in hardwood conditions W. A. Williams
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1990
Evaluation of the Franklin 595 site pred skidder Michael St-Amour
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Development of the FERIC forwarder P. G. Mellgren
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Comparison of chain saws and clearing saws for precommercial thinning in British Columbia Sylvi D. Holmsen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
The effects of live-limb removal on clearing-saw productivity Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Strip thinning with the track-ax in the East Kootenay region of British Columbia Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Site preparation with excavators in British Columbia an update Craig E. Dorion
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
The Lännen S10 and Rome discs mounding and discing alternatives for Northern Alberta Craig E. Dorion
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Ergonomic evaluation of feller-buncher cabs and controls J.-M. Golsse
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Choosing a wheeled shortwood forwarder Ismo Mokkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Sour felling in Alberta Patrick D. Forrester
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Evaluation of the Denis D-55 Directional felling head Robin Richardson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Mowing to reduce aspen competition in young spruce plantations in Northern Alberta Sylvi D. Holmsen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Evaluation of Timberjack 320 8-ton forwarder Ismo Mokkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1989
Selection of lubricating oils one way to reduce logging truck operating costs D.A. Ljubic; G. P. Chinn
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Stand cleaning with Husqvarna 165RX Clearing Saws in Northern Alberta Sylvi D. Holmsen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Evaluation of the Steyr KP40 Crane Processor A. J. MacDonald
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
The use of piling rakes on woodlots J. Dunnigan and D. Cormier
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
An introduction to off-road processors and harvesters Robin Richardson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Harvesting economics two case studies of a Cypress 7280B Swing Yarder J. T. Peterson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Static roll-stability evaluations of long-log trucks Marvin Clark
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Review of forwarders I. Makkonen
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Evaluation of the Ranger-Kockums Feller-Skidder J. T. Peterson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Appraisal of an air-cushioned suspension for tractor-trailer fifth-wheels G. S. Franklin; J.-M. Golsse
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Evaluation of the la Taupe Scarifier D. Cormier; M. Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Downsizing skidders with high-flotation tires W. P. Novak
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1988
Plastic culverts in forest road construction Ernst [I.] Stjernberg
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1987
Harvesting economics handfalling second-growth timber J. T. Peterson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1987
Propane subtitution for logging truck engines M. L. Clark
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1987
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) for forestry work J. Dunnigan; L. Beaulieu; Mike P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1987
Harvesting economics handfalling coastal old-growth timber J. T. Peterson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1987
Evaluation of processing in a central yard J. T. Peterson
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1986
Radio telemetry of logging truck load weights Michael Pottie
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1986
Manual tools used in pruning operations on Vancouver Island P. D. Forrester; B. Hedin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1986
Mechanical site preparation with cat 205 excavators on Northern Vancouver Island I. B. Hedin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1986
Lodgepole pine stand descriptions for strip thinning machine development I. B. Hedin
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1986
Logging winches for farm tractors Mike P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1986
Evaluation of the Koehring K2FF feller-forwarder R. Levesque
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1985
Grapple loaders for farm tractors [Mike Folkema]
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1985
The development of a climbing tree delimber/debarker D. C. Moulson
Vancouver: FERIC, 1985
Evaluation of the TTS Delta Disc Trencher in North Central British Columbia I. B. Hedin
Vancouver: FERIC, 1985
The wood caddy & goliat a comparison of two log caddies [Robin Richardson and Mike Folkema]
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1985
Four-wheel-drive, articulated tractors and skidders for woodlots [Mike Folkema]
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1985
Evaluation of the Jerabek cutting attachment for chain saws W. P. Novak
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1984
Prime movers in silvicultural practice Mark Ryans
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1984
Dryland sortyard illumination with the Vortek high intensity argon lamp Tony Wong
Vancouver: FERIC, 1984
An evaluation of boomchains used in B. C. coastal log towing Don G. Smith
Vancouver: FERIC, 1983
Evaluation of the Cord King FM-50 Firewood Processor M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1983
Truck unloading dryland sortyards Bruce McMorland
Vancouver: FERIC, 1983
Evaluation of the S.L.R.-2000 Dual Head Delimber Attachment M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1983
Deutz air-cooled diesel engines as an alternative for skidders E. Heidersdorf
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1983
Aerial cone collection techniques in British Columbia I. B. Hedin
Vancouver: FERIC, 1983
Producing by-product sawlogs with a mobile chipper M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire [u.a.]: FERIC, 1983
Short-term evaluation of the Timbco 2518 feller-buncher in Eastern Canada R. Levesque
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1983
Evaluation of the model 9 Micro Master Yarder Bruce McMorland and Anthony Wong
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
Mobile chipper study processing logging residue for energy biomass Leslie H. Powell
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
An evaluation of Highlead and Slackline Yarding with a Madill 046 Yarder E. A. Sauder
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
Five case studies of precommercial thinning in British Columbia and Alberta I. B. Hedin
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
Evaluation of the Tanguay EC-200 Delimber M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1982
Evaluation of the preproduction A-Line Swather VII E. Heidersdorf
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
Trials Two Feller-Bunchers in Coastal B. C. Bruce McMorland
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
Short-term evaluation of the "A-Head" Felling Head with accumulator Pierre Giguère
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1982
Productivity of five coastal B.C. Log Sorting Systems Alex W. J. Sinclair
Vancouver: FERIC, 1982
Logging road construction in rock summary of Gold river and McGregor studies R. K. Krag
Vancouver: FERIC, 1981
The Koehring Bunch Limber longer-term data collection from two operations M. P. Folkema and P. Giguère
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1981
The Koehring Roll Delimber longer-term data collection from three machines M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1981
Logging road construction in rock summary of three case studies R. K. Krag
Vancouver: FERIC, 1981
Evaluation of the finning swing hydraulic yarder M. J. McDonald
Vancouver: FERIC, 1981
Securing systems for truck loads of tree lengths Jean-Marc Lavoie
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1981
Roger, Harricana and Logma Delimbers long term evaluation Pierre Giguère
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1981
Evaluation of the Dagslicer tree shear D. Y. Guimier
Vancouver: FERIC, 1981
A way to make pulp chips from logging debris using a small Drum Debarker Michael Pottie
Vancouver: FERIC, 1981
The development of a hand-held hydraulic press for barge bundling D. G. Smith
Vancouver: FERIC, 1980
An evaluation of grapple-crane yarding in Coastal B. C. E. A. Sauder
Vancouver: FERIC, 1980
Evaluation of the Brody-Everett Clipper Patrick Forrester
Vancouver: FERIC, 1980
Economics of aerodynamic drag reduction on logging trucks present and future G. J. Garner
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1980
Fuel and energy use in a coastal logging operation B. D. Johnston
Vancouver: FERIC, 1979
Preliminary FERIC guide to ergonomic evaluation of logging equipment W. J. Zerbe
Vancouver: FERIC, 1979
The Drott Rotary Cutter Feller Buncher longer-term data collection from two operations M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1979
Development and evaluation of the critical site yarder M. J. McDonald
Vancouver: FERIC, 1979
The Koehring Feller-Forwarder longer-term data collection from two hardwood operations E. Heidersdorf
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1978
Evaluation of the Washington 118 Yarder Eric J. Phillips and Brent J. Sauder
Vancouver: FERIC, 1978
The Skagit GT3 Grapple Yarder and the Igland-Jones Highland Trailer Alp Bruce McMorland
Vancouver: FERIC, 1978
Comparison of the Roger and Harricana delimbers M. P. Folkema and J.-M. Lavoie
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1978
Cable yarding small timber with the RMS ecologger E. Heidersdorf
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1978
Exposure of front-end log loader operators to whole-body vibration M. G. Howat
Vancouver: FERIC, 1978
Effective use of guylines on logging spars J. M. Ewart
Vancouver: FERIC, 1978
The John Deere 743 Tree Harvester longer-term data collection from two operations M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1978
The farmi JL30 logging winch = Le treuil d´exploitation forestière farmi JL30
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1977
The Koehring Feller-Forwarder 6 months of data collection from two softwood operations M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1977
Whole-tree chipping with the Morbark model 22 Chiparvestor M. P. Folkema
Pointe Claire: FERIC, 1977