> Publishers' series
On the chronology of sound changes in Tocharian 1 From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharian by Don Ringe
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Society, 1996
Tocharian historical phonology and morphology by Douglas Q. Adams
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Society, 1988
The roots, verb-forms, and primary derivatives of the Sanskrit language a supplement to his Sanskrit grammar by William Dwight Whitney
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1988
Language, literature, and history philological and historical studies ; presented to Erica Reiner Ed. by Francesca Rochberg-Halton
New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1987
Aspects of versification in Sanskrit lyric poetry by Sheldon Ivan Pollock
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1977
Old Persian grammar, texts, lexicon Roland G. Kent
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1961
Old Persian grammar, texts, lexicon by Roland G. Kent
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1989
A grammar of the Phoenician language by Zellig S. Harris
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1936 [erschienen] 1964
The Panchatantra reconstructed 1 Text and critical apparatus text, crit. apparatus, introd., transl. by Franklin Edgerton
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1924
The Panchatantra reconstructed 2 Introduction and translation text, crit. apparatus, introd., transl. by Franklin Edgerton
New Haven, Conn.: American Oriental Soc., 1924