Media type: Sheet; Map Title: Marcodvri Civitatis In Ducatv Iuliacensi, Negotiatione Inprimis Frvmentaria Nobilis Genvina Delineatio / Wenceslaus Hollar delineavit 1634 Contributor: Hollar, Wenzel [Other] Published: [Amstelodami]: [Ioannes Ianssonius], [1657] Published in: Jansson, Jan, 1588 - 1664: Ioannis Ianssonii Novus Atlas, Sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Scale: [Ca. 1:3 500] Extent: 1 Kt; Kupferst; 49 x 37 cm Language: Latin Keywords: Düren > Geschichte 1657 Origination: Footnote: NW oben. - Maßstab in graph. Form (Passus 4 pedeum Geom.). - Mit Gebäudekennung
Central Library – stack maps Shelf-mark: A9396 Historic Shelf-mark: Tab.geogr.B.Germ.urb.4100 Item ID: 10600095N Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible > Ordering possible ‒ please log in Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.