Media type: Book Title: Productivity and American Leadership : the long view Contributor: Baumol, William J. [Author]; Blackman, Sue A. [Author]; Wolff, Edward N. [Author]; Blackman, Sue Anne Batey [Other] Published: Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]: The MIT Press, 1991 Issue: 1. paperback ed. Extent: X, 395 S; Ill Language: English ISBN: 0262022931; 0262521636 RVK notation: QI 520 : Produktivität. Produktivitätsmessung Keywords: USA > Arbeitsproduktivität Origination: Footnote: Bibliographie S. [365] - 380
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: QI 520 B348 Item ID: 31730791 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible