• Media type: DVD Video; Video
  • Title: Der Mann der Liberty Valance erschoss / [Darst.:] John Wayne, James Stewart. Co-starring Vera Miles ... Directed by John Ford. Screenplay by James Warner Bellah ... [Director of Photography: William H. Clothier. Music by Cyril Mockridge. After a novel of Dorothy M. Johnson]
  • Work titles: The man who shot Liberty Valance
  • Contributor: Ford, John [Other]; Johnson, Dorothy M. [Other]; Wayne, John [Other]; Stewart, James [Other]; Miles, Vera [Other]; Clothier, William H. [Other]; Bellah, James Warner [Other]; Mockridge, Cyril J. [Other]
  • Published: Unterföhring: Paramount Home Entertainment, 2007
    [Hollywood, Ca.]: Paramount Pictures [Orig.-Prod.], 2007
  • Published in: Die John-Wayne-Collection
  • Extent: 1 DVD-Video (Ländercode 2, 118 Min.); s/w, Dolby digital, mono; 12 cm; 1 Filmplakat
  • Language: German; English; French; Italian; Spanish; Arabic; Bulgarian; Croatian; Danish; Finnish; Ancient Greek; Hebrew; Dutch; Icelandic; Norwegian; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian; Slovenian; Swedish; Czech; Turkish; Hungarian
  • Genre: Spielfilm; Literaturverfilmung
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: P452315
  • RVK notation: AP 51144 : Ford, John
    HU 9800 : Sonstige
  • Keywords: Film ; DVD-Video ; Spielfilm Literaturverfilmung USA 1962
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Sprachen: engl., franz., dt., ital., span., engl. restauriert. - Untertitel: engl. für Hörgeschädigte, engl., arab., bulg., kroat., dän., dt., finn., franz., griech., hebr., niederländ., isländ., ital., norweg., poln., portug., rumän., slowen., span., schwed., tschech., türk., ungar. - Extra Features: Kinotrailer
    Spielfilm. - Literaturverfilmung. USA. 1962


  • Shelf-mark: Vid-VPD-C 11/169
  • Item ID: 33062494
  • Status: Loanable, place order
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