Media type: Volume; Notated Music Title: Im Hochland : Schottische Ouverture für Orchester; op. 7 / componirt und seinem Freunde Herrn H. W. Ernst zugeeignet von Niels W. Gade Work titles: I hojlandene Contributor: Gade, Niels Wilhelm [Author]; Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm [Other] Published: Leipzig: Kistner, [1845] London: Wessel & Stapelton, [1845] Extent: 19 S. Language: Without Specification Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: 1443 Origination: Cast/genre: Zwei / Klavier (4hdg) / Duo, Ouvertüre Footnote: Verl.-Nr.: 1443. - Pl.-Nr.: 1443. - Stich. - Preisangabe: Pr. 25 Ngr LEIPZIG, BEI FR. KISTNER. London, bei Wessel & Stapelton. Eigenthum der Verleger. Eingetragen in das Vereinsarchiv
Central Library – stack music Shelf-mark: 1.Mus.2.1864 Item ID: 10903371N Status: Place order for use in library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan > Ordering possible ‒ please log in Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.