Media type: Sheet; Map Referenced in: Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie) Title: [Entwurf für das Epitaph des Ferdinand August Hommel in der Paulinerkirche (Universitätskirche) Leipzig] Contributor: Hommel, Ferdinand August [Other] Published: [S.l.], [um 1750] Extent: 2 Entw; Bleistiftzeichnung u. kol. Handzeichng; Blattgr. 34 x 21 cm (Bleistift) u. 39 x 26 cm (kol.); 1 Doppelbl. hs.: "Pro memoria" - Beschreibung des Entwurfs Language: German Keywords: Handschrift ; Altkarte Origination: Footnote:
Central Library – stack maps Shelf-mark: B3039-B3040 Historic Shelf-mark: Tab.geogr.B.Sax.H.6355,15 Historic Shelf-mark: Tab.geogr.B.Sax.H.6355,16 Item ID: 32432849 Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible > Ordering possible ‒ please log in Orders received from Mon - Fri by 1 pm are expected to be ready for you on the same day.