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Media type:
Overture a 11 in e minor
Concerto for two flutes, violin, violoncello, strings and b.c. in D major
Concerto for alto recorder, bassoon, tweo violins, viola and b.c. in F major
Concerto for flute, oboe d'amore, viola d'amore, strings and b.c. in E major
Concerto a 9 for piccolo, flute, oboe, chalumeau, two double basses, strings and b.c. in G major
Recording information:
Interpr.: Alda Stuurop, violin. Jacques Ogg, Harpsichord. Les Eléments Amsterdam
Aufn.: Utrecht, Juni 1993. - Best.-Nr. GLO 5104 (GLOBE). - Die Vorlage enth. insgesamt 5 Werke. - Nebent.: Ouverture a 11, Concerti a 3,4,6,9. - Text des Beihefts engl., franz., dt. u. niederländ