• Media type: Performed Music
  • Title: Das andere Amerika : Paul Robeson und Earl Robinson singen / Paul Robeson. Earl Robinson
  • Contains: Water boy (Water boy, where are you hidin')
    Hassidic chant (A good day to the lord got almighty)
    There is a balm in gilead (There is a balm in gilead)
    Oh, my baby, my curly headed baby (h, my baby, my curly headed baby)
    Sometimes i feel like a motherless child (Sometimes i feel like a motherless child)
    Passing by (There is a lady sweet and kind)
    The echo of our youth (The corn is glistening around us)
    Kevin barry (In mountjoy jail on monday morning)
    Deep river /Deep river, my heart is over jordan)
    Swing low, sweet chariot (Swing low, sweet chariot)
    Casey Jones (oh, the worker on the s. p. line) Amerikanisches Volkslied / Text: Joe Hill
    The house i live in (The house i live in) / Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Lewis Allan
    Joe Hill (I dreamed i saw Joe Hill last night) / Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Alfred Hayes
    Free and equal blues (I went down to St. jJames' infirmary) / Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: E. J. Harburg
    Black and White (The ink is black, the page is white) / Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: David Arkin
    Spring Song (I wonder will it come along in spring) / Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Harry Schacter
    Good morning (Good morning, Good morning) / Komponist: Earl Robinson
    The quilting bee / Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Jack Shapiro
  • Contributor: Robinson, Earl [Author]; Hill, Joe [Other]; Lewis, Allan [Other]; Harburg, Edgar Yipsel [Other]; Schacter, Harry [Other]; Hayes, Alfred [Other]; Arkin, David [Other]; Shapiro, Jack [Other]; Robeson, Paul [Performer]; Robinson, Earl [Performer]
  • Published: Berlin: Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]66
  • Published in: Unser Leben im Lied ; 10
  • Extent: 1 Schallpl; 33 UpM, mono; 30 cm
  • Language: English
  • Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: 8 10 021
  • Keywords: Schallplatte
  • Origination:
  • Recording information: Interpr.: Paul Robenson, Gesang (Nr. 1-10). Earl Robinson, Gesang, Gittarre, Klavier (Nr. 11-18)
  • Footnote: Aufgenommen im Studio Taubenstrasse Berlin, 1959


  • Shelf-mark: Fon-SLP-A 4345
  • Item ID: 10759871N
  • Status: Place order for use under supervision, no dispatch by interlibrary loan
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