Robinson, Earl
Hill, Joe
Lewis, Allan
Harburg, Edgar Yipsel
Schacter, Harry
Hayes, Alfred
Arkin, David
Shapiro, Jack
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Earl
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Performed Music
Das andere Amerika
Paul Robeson und Earl Robinson singen
/ Paul Robeson. Earl Robinson
Water boy (Water boy, where are you hidin')
Hassidic chant (A good day to the lord got almighty)
There is a balm in gilead (There is a balm in gilead)
Oh, my baby, my curly headed baby (h, my baby, my curly headed baby)
Sometimes i feel like a motherless child (Sometimes i feel like a motherless child)
Passing by (There is a lady sweet and kind)
The echo of our youth (The corn is glistening around us)
Kevin barry (In mountjoy jail on monday morning)
Deep river /Deep river, my heart is over jordan)
Swing low, sweet chariot (Swing low, sweet chariot)
Casey Jones (oh, the worker on the s. p. line) Amerikanisches Volkslied
/ Text: Joe Hill
The house i live in (The house i live in)
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Lewis Allan
Joe Hill (I dreamed i saw Joe Hill last night)
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Alfred Hayes
Free and equal blues (I went down to St. jJames' infirmary)
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: E. J. Harburg
Black and White (The ink is black, the page is white)
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: David Arkin
Spring Song (I wonder will it come along in spring)
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Harry Schacter
Good morning (Good morning, Good morning)
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson
The quilting bee
/ Komponist: Earl Robinson. Text: Jack Shapiro