Stockhausen, Karlheinz
Schick, Steven
Antoniadis, Pavlos
Avery, James
Lukács, Katalin
[Performer]Red Fish Blue Fish
Refrain (1959)
/ [Interpr.:] Pavlos Antoniadis, celesta, antique cymbals. James Avery, piano, woodblocks. Steven Schick, vibraphone, Alpine bells
Schlagtrio (1952, revised 1973), for piano & 2 timpanists
/ [Interpr.:] Katalin Lukács, piano. Justin DeHart, Fabio Oliveira, timpani
Kontakte (1958-60), for piano, percussion & 4-channel tape
/ [Interpr.:] Steven Schick, percussion. James Avery, piano, percussion. New high-resolution transfer from the 4-channel analog tapes
Zyklus (1959), for a percussion
/ [Interpr.:] Steven Schick, percussion
Mikrophonie (1964), for tamtam, 2 microphones, 2 filters, and controllers
/ [Interpr.:] red fish blue fish (Ross Karre, Justin DeHart, Matthew Jenkins, Fabio Oliveira, Jonathan Hepfer, Gregory Stuart)