Media type: Volume; Notated Music Title: Kalanus : op. 48 : for soli, chorus and orchestra / Niels W. Gade ; dramatic poem by Carl Andersen ; edited by Karsten Eskildsen Parallel title: Kalanus : op. 48 : für Soli, Chor und Orchester Work titles: Kalanus | Werktitel in der GND Contributor: Gade, Niels Wilhelm [Composer]; Andersen, Carl [Lyricist] Published: Copenhagen: Engstrøm & Sødring A/S Musikforlag, 2018 Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 2018 Published in: Gade, Niels Wilhelm: Works. ; 4,4 Music format: Partitur Extent: 1 Partitur (XXXIII, 334 Seiten); Faksimiles Language: Danish; German ISBN: 8790230280 Publisher, production or purchase order numbers: Sonstige Nummer: BA 7623 Sonstige Nummer: E&S 682 RVK notation: LU 63890 : Gade, Niels Wilhelm Origination: Footnote: Einleitung und Vorwort in Deutsch und Englisch
Central Library – open access music Shelf-mark: GA.Gad.1995-4,4 Item ID: 34785288 Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan