Media type: Book Title: Poland : a new power in transatlantic security Contributor: Zaborowski, Marcin [Editor]; Dunn, David H. [Other] Published: London; Portland, Or.: Cass, 2003 Extent: 160 S. Language: English ISBN: 071465552X; 071468435X RVK notation: ML 7332 : Polen Keywords: Polen > Militärpolitik > Geschichte 1999-2002 Polen > Internationale Politik > Geschichte 1999-2002 Polen > Internationale Politik Polen > Militärpolitik > Internationale Politik > Geschichte 1999-2002 Origination: Footnote: Includes index
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: ML 7332 Z12 Item ID: 31177292 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible