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Media type:
Applied concept mapping
capturing, analyzing, and organizing knowledge
Applying educational tools and ideas in the corporate world
/ Joseph D. Novak and Alberto J. Cañas
Skills in applied concept mapping
/ Brian M. Moon, Robert R. Hoffman, Thomas C. Eskridge and John W. Coffey
Concept mapping in the analysis and design of cognitive systems : a historical review
/ Michael D. McNeese and Phillip J. Ayoub
Concept maps : tools to enhance executive and team effectiveness
/ Barbara L. Bowen
Concept mapping on the road : applied business concept mapping in software implementation and training consulting
/ Bennet Larson
Using concept maps to improve the practice and organization of intelligence in Canada
/ Natalia Derbentseva and David R. Mandel
Common lexicon initiative : a concept mapping approach to semi-automated definition integration
/ Andrew G. Harter and Brian M. Moon
The use of concept mapping in ecological management : a case study involving grassland ecosystems
/ Andrea White
Influencing the business model and innovations of a research organization through concept mapping
/ Robert R. Hoffman, Jan Maarten Schraagen, Josine van de Ven and Brian M. Moon
Concept mapping ecosystem goods and services
/ Susan H. Yee, John E. Rogers, Jim Harvey, William Fisher, Marc Russell and Patricia Bradley
Concept mapping in corporate education : experiences at Petrobrás University
/ Acacia Z. Kuenzer, Wilson L. Lanzarini and Eleonora B. Taveira
Using concept maps within the product design process in engineering : a case study
/ Barbara J. Daley, Michael R. Lovell, Ronald A. Perez and Nathaniel E. Stern
Improving organizational learning with concept maps : a business case study
/ David Barberá-Tomás, Mónica Elizabeth Edwards Schachter and Ernesto de los Reyes-López
Conceptual mapping as the first step of data modeling
/ Hector Gómez-Gauchía and Ron McFadyen
Concept mapping in virtual collaboration environments
/ Brian M. Moon, Jeffery T. Hansberger and Austin Tate
Vying for the use of CmapTools in corporate training
/ Carrie Ann Desnoyers.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Applying educational tools and ideas in the corporate world / Joseph D. Novak and Alberto J. Cañas -- Skills in applied concept mapping / Brian M. Moon, Robert R. Hoffman, Thomas C. Eskridge and John W. Coffey -- Concept mapping in the analysis and design of cognitive systems : a historical review / Michael D. McNeese and Phillip J. Ayoub -- Concept maps : tools to enhance executive and team effectiveness / Barbara L. Bowen -- Concept mapping on the road : applied business concept mapping in software implementation and training consulting / Bennet Larson -- Using concept maps to improve the practice and organization of intelligence in Canada / Natalia Derbentseva and David R. Mandel -- Common lexicon initiative : a concept mapping approach to semi-automated definition integration / Andrew G. Harter and Brian M. Moon -- The use of concept mapping in ecological management : a case study involving grassland ecosystems / Andrea White -- Influencing the business model and innovations of a research organization through concept mapping / Robert R. Hoffman, Jan Maarten Schraagen, Josine van de Ven and Brian M. Moon -- Concept mapping ecosystem goods and services / Susan H. Yee, John E. Rogers, Jim Harvey, William Fisher, Marc Russell and Patricia Bradley -- Concept mapping in corporate education : experiences at Petrobrás University / Acacia Z. Kuenzer, Wilson L. Lanzarini and Eleonora B. Taveira -- Using concept maps within the product design process in engineering : a case study / Barbara J. Daley, Michael R. Lovell, Ronald A. Perez and Nathaniel E. Stern -- Improving organizational learning with concept maps : a business case study / David Barberá-Tomás, Mónica Elizabeth Edwards Schachter and Ernesto de los Reyes-López -- Conceptual mapping as the first step of data modeling / Hector Gómez-Gauchía and Ron McFadyen -- Concept mapping in virtual collaboration environments / Brian M. Moon, Jeffery T. Hansberger and Austin Tate -- Vying for the use of CmapTools in corporate training / Carrie Ann Desnoyers