Media type: Book Title: Molecular physics and elements of quantum chemistry : introduction to experiments and theory Work titles: Molekülphysik und Quantenchemie | Werktitel in der GND Contributor: Haken, Hermann [Author]; Wolf, Hans Christoph [Author]; Brewer, William D. [Translator] Published: Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, [2004] Published in: Advanced texts in physics Issue: Second enlarged edition Extent: XXI, 592 Seiten; Illustrationen, Diagramme Language: English Language of the original: German ISBN: 3540407928 RVK notation: UM 3000 : Allgemeines Keywords: Molekülphysik Quantenchemie Molekülphysik Quantenchemie Origination: Footnote: With 306 figures, 43 tables, 133 problems and web-based solutions at
Bestand der TU Dresden Shelf-mark: 2006 8 063075 Item ID: 10677986N Status: Verfügbarkeit bitte in Biotechnologisches Zentrum BIOTEC erfragen.
Departmental Library DrePunct Shelf-mark: UM 3000 H155 E5(2) Item ID: 32104933 Status: Verfügbarkeit bitte in Prof Materialwissenschaft Nanotechnik erfragen.