Media type: Book; Still Image; Illustrated Book Title: Steamers and ferries of the Northern Isles Contributor: Deayton, Alistair [Author] Published: Chalford: Amberley Publishing, 2015 Extent: 127 S.; zahlr. Ill Language: English ISBN: 9781848689213 RVK notation: ZO 6020 : Geschichte der Schifffahrt ZO 6400 : Schiffe nach Wasserstraßen (Binnenschiffe, Hochseeschiffe) Keywords: Schottland > Orkneyinseln > Shetlandinseln > Dampfboot > Fähre > Geschichte Origination: Footnote:
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: ZO 6020 D285 S7 Item ID: 34615894 Status: Loanable