Media type: Book Title: Our culture is our resistance : repression, refuge, and healing in Guatemala Contributor: Moller, Jonathan [Illustrator]; Falla, Ricardo [Other]; Goldman, Francisco [Other]; Jonas, Susanne [Other] Published: New York: PowerHouse Books, 2004 Extent: 213 S.; überw. Ill Language: English ISBN: 1576872122 RVK notation: AP 95540 : Land und Leute, Reisereportage Keywords: Moller, Jonathan > Fotografie > Guatemaltekischer Bürgerkrieg > Krieg > Geschichte 1960-1996 Origination: Footnote:
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: AP 95540 M726 Item ID: 31031152 Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible