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Handbook of contemporary psychotherapy
toward an improved understanding of effective psychotherapy
The scientist practitioner and dynamic constructs
/ Michael Lavin
The (dramatic) process of psychotherapy
/ Jeffrey K. Zeig
Clinical practice and the issue of repressed memories: avoiding an ice patch on the slippery slope
/ William C. Follette and Deborah Davis
Theory and methods for studying the influence of unconscious processes: illustrations from attachment and terror management research
/ Deborah Davis and Aaron McVean
Mediation, ego and I: who, exactly, is in conflict?
/ Kenneth Cloke
Family influences and ecological context
/ James W. Maddock, John C. Friel, and Linda D. Friel
A psychoanalytic understanding of the death instinct: problems in receiving the good object
/ Robert Waska
Countertransference: a foundation of psychotherapy
/ Jeffrey H. Corpuel
Projective identification
/ Patricia M. Chatham
Mindfulness: being mindful in psychotherapy
/ Akihiko Masuda and Kelly Wilson
The science of forgiveness
/ David Antonuccio and Robert Jackson
Dream-work in psychotherapy: a narrative, commonsense approach
/ Lois Parker
/ William K. Hahn
Treatment of clients who are struggling with depression
/ James C. Overholser and Nicole J. Peak
Therapeutic boundaries and effective therapy: exploring the relationships
/ Ofer Zur
Terminating psychotherapy therapeutically
/ Steven Graybar and Leah Leonard.