Media type: Book Title: Refractive cataract surgery and multifocal IOLs Contributor: Wallace, R. Bruce [Editor] Published: Thorofare, NJ: SLACK, 2001 Extent: 243 S.; Ill., graph. Darst Language: English ISBN: 1556424604 RVK notation: YO 8223 : Operationen, traumatische Krankheiten Keywords: Grauer Star > Augenchirurgie > Augenlinse > Hornhautchirurgie Staroperation > Kunststofflinse > Implantation Origination: Footnote: Includes bibliographical references and index
Branch Library of Medicine Shelf-mark: YO 8223 W193 Item ID: 33648621 Status: Verfügbarkeit bitte in Teilbibliothek Augenklinik erfragen.