Media type: Book Title: The SAGE handbook of qualitative business and management research methods : history and traditions Contributor: Cassell, Catherine [Editor]; Cunliffe, Ann L. [Editor]; Grandy, Gina [Editor] Published: London: SAGE reference, [2018] Extent: xxii, 597 Seiten; Illustrationen; 26 cm Language: English ISBN: 9781526429261; 1526429268 RVK notation: QP 110 : Gegenstand und Methoden der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Keywords: Operations Research ; Qualitative Methode ; Wissenschaftliche Methode ; Diskurstheorie ; Business Handbooks, manuals, etc Research Methodology ; Business Handbooks, manuals, etc Research ; Management Handbooks, manuals, etc Research Methodology ; Management Handbooks, manuals, etc Research ; Qualitative research Handbooks, manuals, etc Origination: Footnote:
Departmental Library DrePunct – open access area Shelf-mark: QP 110 C344 H6 Item ID: 34136089 Status: Loanable