Media type: Book Title: L' Europe : encyclopédie historique Contributor: Charle, Christophe [Editor]; Roche, Daniel [Editor] Published: Arles: Actes Sud, [2018] Issue: Édition française Extent: 2397 Seiten, 30 Seiten Tafeln; Karten Language: French ISBN: 9782330106430 RVK notation: NC 1400 : Allgemeine Geschichte NK 1500 : Allgemeines Keywords: Europa > Geschichte Europa > Geschichte Origination: Footnote: Incluant un index nominum, un index toponymique et un cahier de 30 cartes
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: NC 1400 C474 Item ID: 34801659 Status: To be used in the library, no dispatch by interlibrary loan; delivery of photocopies possible