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From rivalry to cooperation
Russian and American perspectives on the post-Cold War era
Kremenyuk, V. A.: The Cold War as cooperation. - S.3-25. Midlarsky, M. I.: Polarity, the learning of cooperation, and the stability of international systems. - S.26-39. Zubok, V.: Soviet nuclear learning - peculiar patterns. - S.40-55. Levy, J. S.: Learning from experience in U.S. and Soviet foreign policy. - S.56-86. Malashenko, I. Y.: Back to realism: the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. - S.89-99. Kegley, C. W. Jr. ; Raymond, G. A.: From detente to entente: prospects for establishing a multipolarity of peace. - S.100-115. Rogov, S. M.: The changing perspective of Russian-American relations. - S.116-125. Crumm, E. ; Rosenau, J. N.: From superpower deadlook to ordinary relationship: materialsfor a theory of U.S.-Russian relations. - S.126-144. Kortunov, A. V.: Future strategic relations among the former Soviet Republics. - S.147-165. Hermann, C. F.: Building relationships: possible futures between the successors to the Soviet Union and the United States. - S.166-190. Gladko