Media type: Book Title: In a rugged land : Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, and the Three Mormon Towns Collaboration, 1953-1954 Contributor: Swensen, James R. [Author] Published: Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, [2018] Extent: XI, 340 Seiten; Illustrationen Language: English ISBN: 9781607816287 RVK notation: AP 94100 : Biografien, Memoiren, Tagebücher, Briefe, Bildbände einzelner Fotographen (CSN des Personennamens) LI 10435 : Adams, Ansel Keywords: Adams, Ansel > Lange, Dorothea > Utah > Mormonen > Fotografie > Geschichte 1953-1954 Origination: Footnote: