Media type: E-Book Title: Order and Potential Resolvent Families of Kernels Contributor: Cornea, Aurel [Author]; Licea, Gabriela [Other] Published: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1975 Published in: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 494 Bücher Mathematics and Statistics Extent: Online-Ressource (VI, 158 p, online resource) Language: English DOI: 10.1007/BFb0087300 ISBN: 9783540380191; 9783540075318 Identifier: RVK notation: SI 850 : Lecture notes in mathematics Keywords: Potenzialtheorie > Kern Origination: Footnote: Description: ?-lattice cones -- The potential theory of a single Kernel -- Potential theory associated with a resolvent family of Kernels -- Domination principle and Hunt’s theorem -- The energy -- Positive supermartingales as excessive elements.