Media type: E-Book Title: The snow and the willows : earlier spring snowmelt reduces performance in the low-lying alpine shrub Salix herbacea Contributor: Wheeler, Julia [Author]; Cortés, Andrés J. [Author]; Sedlacek, Janosch [Author]; Karrenberg, Sophie [Author]; Kleunen, Mark van [Author]; Wipf, Sonja [Author]; Hoch, Günter [Author]; Bossdorf, Oliver [Author]; Rixen, Christian [Author] Published: Konstanz: Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, 2016 Extent: 1 Online-Ressource Language: English Identifier: Origination: Footnote: Aus: Journal of Ecology ; 2016. - ISSN 0022-0477. - eISSN 1365-2745 Access State: Open Access