Stuttgart: Univ., Inst. für Sozialwiss., Abt. ür Internat. Beziehungen und Europäische Integration, 2013
Online-Ausg., Stuttgart: Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart
Place of reproduction:
Stuttgart: Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart
Online publiziert 2014
Homeland Discourse is a translation from German “Heimatdiskurs”. We have introduced this new term into a theory on Societies of Interventions. This neologism has a few relatives in other languages but claims originality insofar as it is inseparably linked to both: the theory of interventions and the fact that societies in those countries that send troops into military interventions develop a specific and powerful discourse with a strong impact on politics and culture. Our main assumption is that Homeland Discourse has become influential to political decisions and the mindset of countries that are engaged in military operations out of area.