Frontmatter -- Preface to the fourth edition -- Contents -- Genesis of the Mediaeval Genius -- The Latinizing of the West -- Greek philosophy as the antecedent of the Patristic apprehension of fact -- Intellectual interests of the Latin fathers -- The Latin transmitters of Antique and Patristic though -- The barbaric disruption of the empire -- The Celtic strain in Gaul and Ireland -- Teuton qualities : Anglo-Saxon, German, Norse -- The bringing of Christianity and antique knowledge to the Northern peoples -- Carolingxan period : the first stage in the appropriation of the patristic and antique -- Mental aspects of the Eleventh Century: Italy -- Mental aspects of the Eleventh Century: France -- Mental aspects of the Eleventh Century: Germany ; England ; Conclusion -- Phases of Mediaeval Growth -- The growth of Mediaeval Emotion -- The reforms of Monasticism -- The Hermit Temper -- The quality of love in Saint Bernard -- St. Francis of Assisi -- Mystic visions of Ascetic Women -- The Spotted Actuality -- The World of Salimbene -- Feudalism and Knighthood -- Romantic Chivalry and Courtly Love