Media type: Book Title: Quantitative real-time PCR : methods and protocols Contributor: Biassoni, Roberto [Editor]; Raso, Alessandro [Editor] Published: New York, NY: Humana Press, [2020] Published in: Methods in molecular biology ; 2065 Springer protocols Issue: Second edition Extent: xiii, 235 Seiten; Illustrationen, Diagramme Language: English ISBN: 9781493998326; 9781493998357 RVK notation: WC 4460 : Molekulargenetische Methoden: DNS-Analyse, Klonierung, Mutagenese etc. WC 4150 : Allgemeines, Praktika; "Methods of biochemical analysis" Keywords: Reverse Transkriptase-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion Origination: Footnote: Literaturangaben
Central Library – open access area Shelf-mark: WC 4150 W181-2065(2) Item ID: 34071442 Status: Loanable