> Publishers' series
Tax incentives and older workers evidence from Canada Guy Lacroix, Pierre-Carl Michaud
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
Revenus de retraite et âge de déclenchement de la rente du RRQ Pierre-Carl Michaud
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
Favor exchange with private costs an experiment Arianna Degan, Yushen Li and Huan Xie
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
How does basic income for the elderly affect health of the self-employed? Emma Aguila, Raquel Fonseca
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
Risk scenarios and macroeconomic forecasts Kevin Moran, Dalibor Stevanovic, Stéphane Surprenant
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
Le parcours des barons québécois des médias Pierre Lortie
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
COVID-19 risk (mis)perceptions Xavier Dufour-Simard, Pierre-Carl Michaud
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
Capital humain et entrepreneuriat Moïse Drabo, Raquel Fonseca
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2024]
Reverse mortgages and financial literacy Ismael Choinière-Crèvecoeur, Pierre-Carl Michaud
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
Score-type tests for normal mixtures Dante Amengual, Xinyue Bei, Marine Carrasco, Enrique Sentana
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
Creative cognition as a bandit problem Noémi Berlin, Jan Dul, Marco Gazel, Louis Lévy-Garboua, Todd Lubart
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
Storms, early education and human capital Martino Pelli, Jeanne Tschopp
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
Air pollution, smoky days and hours worked H. Ron Chan, Martino Pelli, Veronica Vienne
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
Is the Moroccan fiscal system progressive? a Shapley decomposition Touhami Abdelkhalek, Dorothee Boccanfuso
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
Longevity, health and housing risks management in retirement Pierre-Carl Michaud, Pascal St-Amour
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2023]
The economics of rural energy use in developing countries Ujjayant Chakravorty, Ridhima Gupta, Martino Pelli
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Did the "quiet revolution" really change anything? Vincent Geloso, Chandler S. Reilly
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Comments on competition policy and labour markets Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Analyse des préférences des résidents-propriétaires de la ville de Québec pour l’aménagement de bassins de rétention à proximité Maurice Doyon, Stéphane Bergeron, Jacinthe Cloutier ; avec la participation Isabelle Lavoie, Matisse Petit-Prost, Sabica Fellice, Justine Maltais-Proulx
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Zero-hours contracts in a frictional labor market Juan J. Dolado, Etienne Lalé, Hélène Turon
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Austerity reduces public health investment Olivier Jacques, Alain Noël
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
The demand and supply of information about inflation Massimiliano Marcellino, Dalibor Stevanovic
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Search and multiple jobholding Etienne Lalé
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Seasonal adjustment of daily data with CAMPLET Barend Abeln, Jan P.A.M. Jacobs, Machiel Mulder
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2022]
Charitable giving framing and the role of information Claudia Keser, Maximilian Späth
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Homophily, peer effects, and dishonesty Liza Charroin, Bernard Fortin, Marie Claire Villeval
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Stress and retirement Raquel Fonseca, Hugo Morin, Ana I. Moro-Egido
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Saving household production-cum-consumption time implications for international trade in trash Ngo Van Long
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Prison rehabilitation programs efficiency and targeting William Arbour, Guy Lacroix, Steeve Marchand
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
A schematic view of government as a regulator and insurer of the financial system Henri-Paul Rousseau
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Does the legal form matter for firm performance in the MENA region? Issam Abdo Ahmad, Ali Fakih
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Profit effects of consumers' identity management a dynamic model Didier Laussel, Ngo Van Long, Joana Resende
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Pricing indefinitely lived assets experimental evidence John Duffy, Janet Hua Jiang, Huan Xie
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Au-delà de l’ESG réformer le capitalisme et la social-démocratie Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Beyond ESG reforming capitalism and social-democracy Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
The retail gasoline price-fixing cartel in Québec Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Electrification and cooking fuel choice in rural India Ridhima Gupta, Martino Pelli
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
COVID19 and seasonal adjustment Barend Abeln, Jan P.A.M. Jacobs
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Immigrants as future voters Arye L. Hillman, Ngo Van Long
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Classes and taxes socio-economic status, ideology and (un)willingness to pay Olivier Jacques
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2021]
Using machine learning to predict nosocomial infections and medical accidents in a NICU Marc Beltempo, Georges Bresson, Guy Lacroix
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Keystone players and complementors an innovation perspective Frédéric Marty, Thierry Warin
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Northeast America (NEA) electricity profile proposal of a free trade area Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Not just a concern for the elderly age gradient in COVID-19-related infections in Italy, Spain and the Netherlands Simona Bignami-Van Assche, Daniela Ghio, Ari Van Assche
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Canadian business risk management programs in the eye of the COVID-19 crisis : a brief assessment Maurice Doyon, Alphonse G. Singbo
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
The value of bad ratings an experiment on the impact of distortions in reputation systems Claudia Keser, Maximilian Späth
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Défis et embûches dans l'évaluation des PPP : Pour un secteur public efficace et efficient Marcel Boyer
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Labor market and fiscal policy during and after the Coronavirus Paul Gomme
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Obamacare enjeux économiques et constitutionnels Marcel Boyer, Molivann Panot
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
A pervasive economic fallacy in assessing the cost of public funds Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Guaranteed minimum income the case of Quebec Dorothée Boccanfuso, Jean-Michel Cousineau, Raquel Fonseca
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Energy transition under mineral constraints and recycling Simon Chazel, Sophie Bernard, Hassan Benchekroun
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Resilient urban housing markets shocks vs. fundamentals Amine Ouazad
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Age-related taxation of bequests in the presence of a dependency risk Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Trade in trash a political economy approach James H. Cassing, Ngo Van Long
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
The distribution of COVID-19 related risks Patrick Baylis, Pierre-Loup Beauregard, Marie Connolly, Nicole M. Fortin, David A. Green, Pablo Gutiérrez-Cubillos, Samuel Gyetvay, Catherine Haeck, Tímea L. Molnár, Gaëlle Simard-Duplain, Henry E. Siu, Maria Tenyenhuis, Casey Warman
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Employer policies and the immigrant-native earnings gap Benoit Dostie, Jiang Li, David Card, Daniel Parent
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Trade, education, and income inequality Markus Brueckner, Ngo Van Long, Joaquin Vespignani
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
The revision of the Canadian copyright act an economic analysis Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
On the evolution of multiple jobholding in Canada Olena Kostyshyna, Etienne Lalé
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Economic development and COVID-19 cases Walid Marrouch, Nagham Sayour
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
The use of artificial intelligence in health care liability issues Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, Lara Khoury, Nathalie Vézina
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Estimating COVID-19 prevalence in the United States a sample selection model approach David Benatia, Raphael Godefroy, Joshua Lewis
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Inequalities income, wealth and consumption Marcel Boyer
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]
Free trade and economic policies a critique of empirical reason : (the working paper version) Marcel Boyer
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Counting the dead COVID-19 and mortality in Québec and British Columbia Yann Décarie, Pierre-Carl Michaud
[Montréal]: CIRANO, [2020]
Identification-robust inequality analysis Jean-Marie Dufour, Emmanuel Flachaire, Lynda Khalaf, Abdallah Zalghout
Montréal: CIRANO, Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations, [2020]