> Publishers' series
US military commitments to Europe report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, ninety-third congress, second session; April 9, 1974
Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1974
Report of the special study mission to Southern, East, and West Africa pursuant to H. Res. 264 ...; November 29, 1973 Committee on Foreign Affairs. Comp. of Jonathan B. Bingham; Edward G. Biester
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1973
Small business in government procurement before and after defense cutbacks; a report of Subcommittee No. 6 to the Select Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives; ninety-first congress, second session pursuant H. Res. 66 ...; October 14, 1970
Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1970
The crisis in NATO report of the Subcommittee on Europe of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives on the ...; 89th congress, 2d session
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1966
Eleventh Nato Parliamentarian's Conference report of the United States House of Representatives delegation to the Eleventh Conference of Members of Parliament from the Nato Countries, held in New York City, October 4 - 9, 1096; pursuant to public law 689, 84th congress, June 23, 1966
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1966
Mutual security act of 1960 report of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on H.R. 11510 ...; April 7, 1960
Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1960
Report on foreign policy and mutual security based on a committee resolution providing that the Committee on Foreign Affairs shall examine and reappraise ... , June 11, 1957
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1957