- Referenced in: Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)
1930 - 1939
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
- Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
- Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible
1920 - 1929
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available
- Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible
- Status: To be used in the library, interlibrary loan possible
- Status: unavailable for ordering, other digital or physical copies available