Media type: E-Article Title: Field application of organic fertilizers triggers N2O emissions from the soil N pool as indicated by 15N-labeled digestates Contributor: Häfner, Franziska [Author]; Ruser, Reiner [Author]; Claß-Mahler, Ingrid [Author]; Möller, Kurt [Author] Published: 20 January 2021 Published in: Frontiers in sustainable food systems ; 4(2021), Artikel-Nummer 614349, 16 Seiten Language: English DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.614349 Identifier: Origination: Footnote: This article is part of the research topic "Greenhouse gas emissions and emissions mitigation from agricultural and horticultural production systems" Im Text ist die Zahl "2" tiefgestellt und die Zahl 15 hochgestellt Access State: Open Access