> Details
Olearius, Johannes
Merckius, Andreas
Merckius, Andreas
Olearius, Johannes Christianus
Olearius, Johannes Christianus
Olearius, Johannes Fridericus
Olearius, Johannes Fridericus
Olearius, Johannes Gottfridus
Olearius, Johannes Gottfridus
Olearius, Johan
Olearius, Johan
Olearius, Johannes Augustus
Olearius, Johannes Augustus
Olearius, Johannes Andreas
Olearius, Johannes Andreas
Dannhauer, Johann. Conrad
Dannhauer, Johann. Conrad
Dorscheus, Johann. Georg
Dorscheus, Johann. Georg
Olearius, Gottfrid
Olearius, Gottfrid
Kromayer, Hieron
Kromayer, Hieron
Major, Johannes Tobias
Major, Johannes Tobias
Christoph Mylius Erben
Universa Theologia Positiva, Polemica, Exegetica Et Moralis, Eiusq[ue] Fructus Ascetica, Catechetica, Paracletica atque Casistica,
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- Media type: E-Book
- Title: Universa Theologia Positiva, Polemica, Exegetica Et Moralis, Eiusq[ue] Fructus Ascetica, Catechetica, Paracletica atque Casistica, : Cum Studiorum Methodo, nec non XXXI. distinctis tam Rerum quam Verborum Repertoriis Mnemonicis, post Semiseculares ... meditationes, delineata / a Johanne Oleario, D.
- Contributor: Olearius, Johannes [Author]; Merckius, Andreas [Other]; Olearius, Johannes Christianus [Other]; Olearius, Johannes Fridericus [Other]; Olearius, Johannes Gottfridus [Other]; Olearius, Johan. [Other]; Olearius, Johannes Augustus [Other]; Olearius, Johannes Andreas [Other]; Dannhauer, Johann. Conrad. [Other]; Dorscheus, Johann. Georg. [Other]; Olearius, Gottfrid [Other]; Kromayer, Hieron. [Other]; Major, Johannes Tobias [Other]; Musaeus, Johann. [Other]; Colerus, Sigismundus [Other]; Bertramus, Sixtus [Other]; Gerhardus, Johann. Ernestus [Other]; Dürrius, Joh. [Other]; Hulsemannus, Johan. [Other]; Esk., Martinus [Other]; Feurbornius, Justus [Other]; Romstet, Christian [Contributor]; Weiß, Johann [Other]; Calovius, Abraham. [Other]; Meisnerus, Johann. [Other]; Geierus, Mart. [Other]; Carpzovius, Jo. Benedict. [Other]; Weberus, Christian. [Other]; Heinricus, Daniel [Other]; Beck, Bartholomaeus [Other]; Chemnitius, Christian [Other]; Wellerus, Jacob [Other]; Quenstedt, Johann. Andr. [Other] ; Balduinus, ... [Other]
- Corporation: Christoph Mylius Erben
Halae Saxonum: Mylius, 1678
Online-Ausgabe, Leipzig: Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2020
- Extent: [8] Bl., 2120 S., [15] Bl; Tbl. r&s, Kupfert; 4°
- Language: Latin
- Identifier: VD17 3:302043W
- Type of reproduction: Online-Ausgabe
- Place of reproduction: Leipzig: Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2020
- Origination:
- Original: UB Leipzig
Schlüsselseiten aus dem Exemplar der ULB Halle: AB 38 3/k, 3
- Access State: Open Access
- Rights information: Public Domain Mark - No Copyright