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Produção intelectual católica
divergências entre progressistas e integristas durante a ditadura militar brasileira (1964-1985)
Parallel title:
Catholic intellectual production : divergences between progressives and integralists during the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985)
This article analyzes the integristas - a group of catholic intellectuals - and their position regarding to authoritarian governments during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship (1964-1985). The methodological approach considers the history of the intellectuals from which the position of integristas intellectuals is analyzed from the Hora Presente, that is a journal published during the period under consideration. The paper aims to understand the ideological position of the intellectuals associated to the journal, as well as the assumptions of the formation of that periodical marked by theological conservative thinking. The integristas assume an anti-liberal and anti-socialist political position. They were sympathetic to military governments and made strong opposition to progressive Catholic trends. The study allows us to understand aspects of catholic conservative in a relevant period of Brazilian history. In addition, it set up the institutional conflict as an element inherent to Catholicism that assumes specific aspects in the period under consideration.