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Economic Values of Coastal Erosion Management
Joint Estimation of Use and Passive Use Values With Recreation Demand and Contingent Valuation Data
Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments July 17, 2018 erstellt
Revealed and stated preference survey data from North Carolina households are utilized to estimate a joint structural microeconometric model of recreation demand and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for coastal erosion management among beach visitors and non-visitors. We test for and reject weak complementarity, implying existence of non-use values associated with management of North Carolina's coastal resources. We find stronger preferences for shoreline retreat (median WTP = $22.20 per household, per year) as a management strategy relative to beach nourishment (WTP = $7.45) and substantially weaker preferences for shoreline armoring (WTP = $0.09). Shoreline retreat exhibits much larger estimates of non-use values, whereas non-use values for shoreline armoring are negative. Minimizing negative environmental impacts of erosion management increases WTP over 200%. Our data permit estimates of marginal value of incremental beach width accruing to beach users and non-users (which ranges from $0.23 and $0.47 per meter)