Media type: Book; Still Image Title: A visual dictionary of decorative and domestic arts Contains: Decorative objects -- Domestic furnishings -- Artistic works and tools -- Jewelry adornment items -- Accessory articles. Contributor: Odegaard, Nancy [Compiler]; Wagner Crouse, Gerry [Illustrator] Published: Lanham; Boulder; New York; London: Rowman & Littlefield, [2023] Extent: xviii, 163 Seiten; Illustrationen Language: English ISBN: 9781538148877 RVK notation: LH 78000 : Allgemeine geschichtliche Darstellungen, Abbildungswerke zum gesamten Kunstgewerbe, Grundsätzliches (Theorie, Ästhetik) Keywords: Kunsthandwerk > Alltagsgegenstand Origination: Footnote: Includes index Description: "This full-color visual dictionary contains an unambiguous vocabulary for the parts of handcrafted decorative, domestic, and artistic items. Terminology for a broad array of object types is accompanied by original color illustrations"--