Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments August 4, 2022 erstellt
Structural analyses of exchange rate dynamics and monetary policy have often been built upon the rational expectations (RE) assumption that decision-makers can correctly deduce future economic outcomes infinitely far. In this paper, we instead relax the RE assumption in a standard small open-economy New Keynesian model with an incomplete asset market in which agents are subject to limited foresight -- they can only plan for a finite distance into the future in decision-making. The equilibrium dynamics of the model relies on both the degree of decision-makers' foresight and how fast they update their belief that is used to approximate continuation values at the end of their planning horizons. Our model further provides a unified framework that can explain key features of the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) puzzles: (i) predictability reversal of the excess return across the horizon and (ii) the short-run overreaction and the long-run underreaction of the real exchange rate to expected real interest rate differentials