• Media type: E-Book; Video
  • Title: Die Zottenpumpe des Dünndarms
  • Contributor: Brandt, Götz [Author]; Karl-Heinz Höfling (Redaktion) [Other]; L. Rüppell (Schnitt) [Other]; H. G. Graske (Trick) [Other]
  • Published: [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: IWF (Göttingen), 1980
  • Extent: 1 Online-Ressource (54 MB, 00:04:26:00)
  • Language: Without Specification
  • DOI: 10.3203/IWF/D-1382
  • Identifier:
  • Keywords: Physiologie (Medizin) ; intestinal mucosa / physiology ; biology ; Biologie ; Dünndarm / Physiologie ; Zottenpumpe ; Darm / Darmzottenbewegung ; intestinale Mukosa / Physiologie ; villi pump ; zoology ; medicine ; intestine / intestinal villus movement ; Medizin ; physiology (medicine) ; Physiologie (Zoologie) ; physiology (zoology) ; intestinal villi ; Zoologie ; small intestine / physiology
  • Origination:
  • Footnote: Audiovisuelles Material
  • Description: Erläuterung der Funktion des Zottenepithels (histologische Bilder). Mechanismus der Zottenpumpe (Trick). Aktivitäten der Zotten im Ruhezustand und nach mechanischer Reizung am Vitalpräparat eines Dünndarmabschnittes vom Hund. Erläuterung der Aktivitätssteigerung der Zottenpumpe durch Medikamente. Bedeutung der Aktivitätshemmung bei Temperaturabfall und im Schockzustand

    Digested particles of food are taken up in the small intestine. The resorbing surface in the small intestine is increased by finger shaped eversions in the mucous membrane, the villi pump. These villi are movable, by means of pumping movements emptying of the main chylous vessels (e.g. the lymphatic vessels) is furthered. These villi pump are only visible by direct observation with magnifying microscope. In the empty and normotherm intestine, the single villus cantract at irregualr intervals. By means of direct irritation, for instance a pinprick or application of dustlike particles, the villi pump is activated. The number of active villi and the frequency of pumping movements of the individual are increased. The activity of the villi pump reduces when temperature drops, in an acid surrounding and bad circulation. In haemorrhagic shock, turgor loss and prismatic deformation show the irreversible damage of the villi pump
  • Access State: Open Access
  • Rights information: In Copyright