Mit selbstgefertigter weißer Farbpaste aus Reismehl fertigt Baua Devi eine Bodenzeichnung in Form eines Achtecks im Lotos. Die Ritualzeichnung wird mit roten Farbtupfen belebt und dient als Bodenaltar für Hausriten
Aripan is the name of ritual floorpaintings at Mithila. The paintings serve as an altar for the performance of domestic rites of the life and calendar cycles. One of the basic motifs of these paintings is the octagon (ashtadal), associated chiefly with the worship of Lakshmi and Narayan. The ground on which the painting will be made is smoothed and cleaned with water and cow-dung. The lines are then traced with the fingers on the base, the material used is a paste of rice-flour and water (pithar). Two intersecting rectangles are drawn first, forming the octagon ashtadal. The square centre of the octagon is the holy space reserved for the divinity depicted therein in figurative outlines. The octagon is extended with curved lines and formed into an expanding lotus-flower. Finally, dots of red colour powder are added to the design. The rite for which the painting has been made will be performed the very same day