• Media type: E-Article
  • Title: The ‘Notorious’ Felix, Procurator of Judaea, and His Many Wives (Acts 23–24)
  • Contributor: Brenk, Frederick E. [Author]; Rossi, S. J. Filippo Canali De [Author]
  • Published: 2001
  • Published in: Biblica ; 82(2001), 3, Seite 410-417
  • Language: English
  • Origination:
  • Footnote:
  • Description: Confusion exists over both the gentilicium and the wives of Felix. As for the name, possibly both Antonius and Claudius are correct. In any case, the attempt to assign only the name Claudius to Felix rests on rather shaky ground. As for his wives, possibly none was a descendant of Kleopatra VII. But if she were, she would be a great-granddaughter rather than a granddaughter of the famous queen. An inscription adduced to fix Felix’ name and career is beset with many problems. Finally, we should take his reputation as ‘notorious’ with a grain of salt. But whether notorious or not, his rise was remarkable, deserving of awe if not admiration.
  • Access State: Open Access