Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments October 13, 2022 erstellt
Hate is a deep feeling of the strongest anger and destructive disorganizing resentment towards a person, group of persons or ethnic group, seasoned with the experience of humiliation and destroyed relationships. This is exactly the option when the aggressor maniacally tries to return the victim in any way. That is why in the collective farm discourse of Russians there is always the idea that something was "taken" from them (territories, population, religious shrines), that someone "left" them, violating the imperial idyll of the Russian measure. The fact that the RSFSR became one of the initiators of the collapse of the USSR remains out of the attention of Putin's Russia. It will be recalled that the Russian Federation proclaimed its state sovereignty on June 12, 1990, on December 8, 1991, it announced its withdrawal from the USSR, and on December 26, 1991, the USSR recognized the independence of Russia. What then is the psychological phenomenon of hatred towards Ukraine and other former republics of the USSR on the part of Russians, who themselves actively participated in the collapse of the same USSR? And why did Ukraine become the main object of Putin-style Russian hatred? What is the psychological phenomenon of Putin's and Russians' hatred of Ukraine and other former republics of the USSR and why Ukraine itself became the main object of this hatred was discussed on September 17 in the new episode of the series "Aware of the Unconscious" YouTube