Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments June 21, 2023 erstellt
Economic theory suggests that sometimes the enforcement of insider trading laws may be more important than the existence of these laws. Is that true? I find that at the end of 2022: (1) Insider trading laws exist in most countries; they are not enforced in many countries; (2) firms in countries with stricter enforcement of insider trading laws have a lower cost of equity and more liquid capital markets, and this link is stronger in emerging markets; (3) the enactment of insider trading laws that are not enforced does not improve capital markets; there is some evidence that it is better to have no insider trading law than to have an insider trading law that is not enforced; (4) firms are valued higher in countries with stricter enforcement of insider trading laws; and (5) the link between enforcement of insider trading laws and market efficiency is weak