Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments April 25, 2023 erstellt
Reforming the education policy is an important priority of state policy, especially in connection with the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has a significant impact on key areas of life. Wartime conditions have a negative impact on the organization of the educational process, on the development of infrastructure, access to necessary resources, the quality of education, ensuring the safety of teachers and students, as well as on the interest in science and technology among young people.Integrating the STEM approach into the educational component at different levels is of critical value in improving the quality of students' understanding of disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The task of the STEM concept is to prepare students for the effective changes necessary to solve new tasks and problems.The study of the neuropsychological and neuropedagogical component of STEM education can help clarify the problems faced by the educational industry and find constructive ways to solve them. Given the impact of war on the education system, these studies can help improve approaches to learning and ensure the safety of students and teachers, increase interest in science and technology among young people, and improve the overall level of education in the country.Goal:Systematize and compare approaches to the integration of the STEM approach to the educational process presented in Ukrainian and foreign scientific literature in recent years and propose a neuropsychological concept of STEM education.Materials and methods:A qualitative and quantitative content analysis of scientific Ukrainian- and English-language literature published in the period from 2010 to 2023 was conducted, in which the features of stem education are outlined. The search was conducted using the Google Scholar, American Psychological Association databases.Analysis of the situation of STEM education in Ukraine and considering the influence of war factors emphasizes the need to create NeuroSTEM education, which will ensure an increase in the success and interest of students in STEM subjects.Ukraine has traditionally been a country with strong education, which has played an important role in its economic and scientific development. However, the recent conflicts and political unrest have had a significant impact on the country's education system, particularly in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The need for creating innovative Neuro STEM education programs has never been more evident to address these challenges.In conclusion, the situation of STEM education in Ukraine has been significantly affected by the ongoing war and political instability. It is crucial to develop and implement innovative Neuro STEM education programs that address the challenges faced by students and teachers, leverage advanced technologies, and promote collaboration with international partners. By doing so, Ukraine can continue to cultivate a strong STEM workforce and contribute to the global scientific and technological advancements.So, neuropsychological factors can help to determine the individual needs and characteristics of students and, on this basis, to develop a unique learning strategy according to each region and the needs of the time