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Computer Dataset;
Optimising urban measurement networks for CO2 flux estimation
a high-resolution observing system simulation experiment using GRAMM/GRAL [data]
Other titles:
Abweichender Titel: OSSE for Urban CO2 Flux Estimation using GRAMM/GRAL
CO2 concentration fields in Heidelberg were simulated using the model GRAMM v19.01/GRAL v19.01. GRAL uses the GRAMM wind fields as mesoscale input and refines the wind fields to a higher resolution taking into account the flow around buildings. The GRAL domain size is 12.3km x12.3km with 10m x 10m horizontal resolution and 2m vertical resolution. A Lagrangian particle simulation is performed to obtain the hourly steady state particle distribution from emissions, which is used to compute the concentration field. The model GRAMM and a link to its documentation can be found here: The model GRAL and a link to the documentation can be found here: