Vordere Umschlaginnenseite: This edition published to accompany the exhibition "Love Life: David Hockney Drawings 1963-1977", 23 September 2023 - 10 March 2024, Charleston, Firle, Lewes
Angaben zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Holburne Museum aus dem Internet: "Love Life David Hockney Drawings 1963-1977", 27 May to 18 September 2022
David Hockney is one of the greatest draughtsmen of all time, and his drawings of the 1960s and 1970s are among his finest works. This selection of 41 drawings, both well-known and unfamiliar, demonstrates how his love of life is expressed through his extraordinary ability to closely observe and translate into art the world around him. Friends, places and inanimate objects are all depicted with insight and energy