Along with the ongoing climate crisis, research efforts increasingly focus on Pleistocene environmental archives. Interglacial periods are of special interest, as they offer crucial information about natural interactions (i.e. not influenced by human activities) between climate and ecosystems within a climatic setting comparable to the Holocene and/or climate change projections. The sedimentary infill of the Rodderberg crater, 10 km south of the city of Bonn (Germany), records several glacial-interglacial cycles in superposition, which makes it a rare and promising environmental archive. One of the most challenging targets is to establish a robust chronological framework for the Rodderberg sediment sequence. In the present study we reconstruct the vegetation history of the basal and most prominent interglacial sequence, the lowermost Rodderberg interglacial (LRI), and apply the principles of pollen biostratigraphy to estimate the depositional age. At the base of the sequence steppe tundra conditions prevailed during the cryocratic phase before the onset of the interglacial. Rising temperatures caused afforestation of the landscape with boreal forests during the protocratic phase, which subsequently were replaced by temperate forests in the mesocratic phase. The sequence continues under unstable vegetation conditions characterized by temperate forests dominated by Carpinus and Abies during the oligocratic phase. During the terminal part of the LRI, the telocratic phase, boreal to nemoboreal forests covered the landscape. Due to climatic deterioration these forests collapsed and a steppe tundra evolved again (cryocratic phase). This climate-driven glacial-interglacial cycle is followed by an interstadial with rather closed nemoboreal forest vegetation. Based on the occurrences of characteristic taxa as well as the vegetation assemblages and succession, we refrain from correlating the LRI with any of the warm stages between c. 240 and 180 ka BP, i.e. roughly corresponding to MIS 7. A correlation with the Holsteinian, which was previously physically dated to c. 340–325 ka BP, cannot unambiguously be excluded, however, the absence of Pterocarya during the LRI argues against it. Instead, the LRI has striking similarities with the Kärlich interglacial, which has been previously physically dated to c. 400 ka BP, making it chronologically equivalent to MIS 11.