Media type: Book Title: Practical gastrointestinal endoscopy Contributor: Cotton, Peter B. [Author]; Williams, Christopher B. [Author]; Williams, Christopher Beverley [Other] Published: Oxford [u.a.]: Blackwell Science, c1996 Issue: 4. ed. Extent: XI, 338 S; Ill., graph. Darst Language: English ISBN: 0865428514 RVK notation: YC 4900 : Allgemeines Keywords: Gastroenterologische Endoskopie Gastroenterologische Endoskopie Origination: Footnote: Includes bibliographical references and index
Branch Library of Medicine Shelf-mark: YC 4900 C851 Item ID: 31035221 Status: Verfügbarkeit bitte in Teilbibliothek Kinderklinik erfragen.