Casadei, F.
Larcher, M.
Valsamos, G.
Faucher, V.
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Implementation of assembled surface normals and of a penalty contact formulation in the pinball model of EUROPLEXUS
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Implementation of assembled surface normals and of a penalty contact formulation in the pinball model of EUROPLEXUS
revision 1 : technical note
The most popular contact algorithms available in finite element computer codes are probably the socalled slide line (in 2D) and slide surface (in 3D) algorithms proposed by Hallquist and Benson. They are based on the notion of penetration of slave nodes into master segments (in 2D) or into master surfaces (in 3D). These algorithms suffer from a number of geometrically pathological cases in which physical penetration is not detected. The pinball method proposed by Belytschko and co-workers from the late 80's for application in impact problems with penetration is much more robust as concerns penetration detection. The pinball contact-impact method has been implemented in EUROPLEXUS, initially based upon a strong, Lagrange-multiplier based solution strategy of the contact constraints. EUROPLEXUS is a computer code for fast explicit transient dynamic analysis of fluid-structure systems jointly developed by the French Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA Saclay) and by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC Ispra). Recently, the so-called Assembled Surface Normal (ASN) algorithm of Belytschko and an alternative penalty-based solution of the contact constraints have also been introduced as an option in the code. They are described in the present report, which is organized as follows: - Section 2 presents the contact-impact model based upon pinballs with Assembled Surface Normals (ASN) and using a penalty approach. - Section 4 presents some implementation details. - Section 5 presents some numerical examples for the validation of the newly implemented models. - Appendix A contains the algorithm used to compute the closest points on two segments. - Appendix B contains an unpublished (and slightly incomplete) paper which gives many details on the hierarchic pinball contact-impact model with Lagrange Multipliers. - Finally, Appendix C contains a listing of all the input files mentioned in the present report.