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Research and innovation perspective of the mid-and long-term potential for advanced biofuels in Europe
D2.2 Potential of advanced biofuels for achieving 2030 Energy and Climate Package and 2050 targets
This report describes the work performed under Deliverable 2.2 entitled "Review and analysis of the potential for 2030 and 2050, Based on scenarios for feedstock availability by taking into account projections for other biomass uses and advanced biofuel production cost". According to the Terms of Reference (ToR), our Technical Proposal and the Inception Report, this deliverable summarises our work under the following tasks and activities: - Horizontal task B on the development of scenarios up to 2050. We report here on the scenarios considered up to 2050. The scenarios are constructed within the decarbonisation context aiming at 80-95% GHG emission reduction by 2050 (compared to 1990 levels), with achievement of the intermediate targets for 2020 and 2030. A total of 5 scenarios have been developed and quantitatively assessed as part of the present deliverable; - Tasks 2.1 and 2.2 for the part they relate to the quantitative evaluation of the scenarios referred above using the PRIMES biomass supply model, the PRIME-TREMOVE model for transport and GEM-E3 to evaluate social impact.